
19 November, 2013

Guest post: Žana from Nail Crazy blog

Today I have a very special guest on my blog, she is Žana from Nail Crazy blog
I follow her blog with great pleasure, I enjoy her creations and her friendship, she is a beautiful person who was always there for me, from my very first post until now :-) 
I really hope that one day I will meet her in real life! 
And, today I'm proud to have her as guest on my blog! Welcome, dear Žana! :-)


Hi there!

When Tanja asked me to make a guest post for her blog, I had to grab the opportunity. I'm proud to call such a kind and warm person my friend, even just a virtual... but, who knows, the world is getting smaller day by day winking. She's amazing in what she loves the most - painting her nails, and let's be realistic about it, my skills are no match to hers. But, I practice joyfully winking
I know how she loved my fire manicure, I know how she loves blue color... so, the choice I made was kinda obvious. Dedicated to Tanja, here's a blue iced fire. 
Kad me Tanja pozvala da gostujem na njenom blogu, objeručke sam prihvatila priliku. Ponosna sam što mogu tako ljubaznu i toplu osobu nazvati prijateljicom, makar samo virtualnom... ali, tko zna, svijet je sve manji iz dana u dan winking. Ona je fantastična u onom što najviše voli - ukrašavanju svojih noktiju, i budimo realni, moje se vještine baš i ne mogu mjeriti s njenim. Ali, vježbam sa zadovoljstvom winking.
Znam kako je voljela moju 'vatrenu manikuru', znam kako voli plavu boju... pa je i odabir bio nekako očekivan. Posvećene Tanji, evo i verzije ledeno plave vatre.

The polishes I used are: KIKO 265 china blue for background, and KIKO multi-effect 08 blue navy & pearly sky blue, KIKO 386 light pastel blue with KIKO 340 light blue (let me just mention that I have this polishes thanks to Tanja). I sealed everything with topcoat, which created me some problems, the manicure was too glossy and hard to take a proper photos. How ever, it doesn't look so bad, even better in person. 
Thanks for this opportunity my dear Tanja, hope your readers won't be disappointed.  
Lakovi koje sam koristila su: KIKO 265 china blue za pozadinu, i KIKO multi-effect 08 blue navy & pearly sky blue, KIKO 386 light pastel blue s KIKO 340 light blue (moram napomenuti i da ove lakovi imam zahvaljujućTanji). Na kraju sam sve zatvorila nadlakom, koji mi je čak stvorio i probleme, jer je manikura bila presjajna i time teška za fotkanje. Na kraju uopće ne izgleda loše, čak i bolje uživo.
Hvala na ovoj prilici i pozivnici, draga moja Tanja, nadam se da tvoji čitaoci neće ostati razočarani.

Wish you all a great day, Žana 


Dear Žana, the manicure that you prepared for me today is beautiful, now I have a special personal blue iced fire dedicated to me, and I love it! :-)
Thank you so much for being my guest today, it was my honour and pleasure, I wish you all the best in life and I hope to see you again soon, you will always be very, very welcome! :-)


  1. I love Zana, and because of her I found out about our great blog. You are both so great and I love following you!

    1. Hvala ti! :-) Zana me je pratila od samog pocetka, kada nisam imala ni jednog follower-a, i nadam se da cemo jos mnogo godina pratiti jedna drugu i gostovati jedna kod druge! :-)

    2. dok god budemo mogle lakirati nokte lol

    3. Na sta ce to liciti kad budemo imale sta ja znam recimo 70 godina? :-)

  2. Replies
    1. Maria, she's a great guest and she brings great things when she comes to visit you! :-)

  3. Beautiful mani from beautiful person,dobri duh nase male nail zajednice ;)

  4. Aaaaaaaa ljubav na prvi pogled <3 morat cu i ja probat radit tu vatru samo radi ove varijante :D

    1. E pa ne moze, ova plava vatrica je samo za mene! :-) A tebi neka Zana napravi neku drugaciju, na primer zelenu vatricu, hihihi...! :-)

    2. lol, zelenu obavezno... aj dobro, može i neka pinki ;)

    3. Ne moze pinki, to joj se dopada :-) Ili zelena ili nista! :-) Moramo malo da je naviknemo i na zelenu boju! :-)

  5. Predobro izgleda *.* Vatricu sam isprobala, a izgleda da ću morati i ovu ledenu verziju :)

  6. Great job, Zana! :)


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