
26 November, 2013

Eveline MiniMax n° 819

It seems to me that my November is full of blue nail polishes and blue manicures :-) 
Well, it's not a secret that I like all shades of blue and I love each and every blue nail polish that I showed you this November :-) I can never get enough of blue! :-)

I present to you the nail polish Eveline MiniMax n° 819. I got it from my lovely friend Žana from Nail Crazy blog :-) Thank you, my friend! :-)
Photographs: outside in the sun, two layers of nail polish, without top coat.


  1. Blue as bright blue sky! Čudovit je in kar kliče po nail artu :D

  2. Bring on the blues - even if it is November - the ones you have shown so far are absolutely gorgeous!!

    1. You know that I don't care about matching colours with seasons, so I wear on my nails what I feel to wear and what I like! :-)

  3. Oh that is beautiful! I completely agree, blue manicures are everywhere! It's a great colour for nails though :P

    1. Oh, yes, I think it's a great colour for nails! :-)

  4. mališan sasvim zgodno izgleda, krasna boja, baš priziva sunce... a meni je više oblaka pun kufer :P

    1. Mene je u Beogradu prosle nedelje vreme super posluzilo, jeste bilo hladnjikavo ali ni jedan dan nije padala kisa i bilo je cak i sunca... Od kad sam se vratila u Italiju, prakticno od nedelje, ovde je strasno zahladnelo (a moji su mi potvrdili da je i kod njih ista situacija), danas je u mom regionu iznad 500m visine padao sneg, a kod mene je dva puta padao grad... Joj, smrzoh se danas...! :-)

    2. A boja je lepa, hajde neka nam donese malo lepog vremena! :-)

  5. Nemam ovog :D ali je fini i plavi :D

  6. Gorgeous shade of blue! :)


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