
05 October, 2013

Nail mail - swap with Nail Crazy

In September, I had my first nail polish swap ever, with dear Žana, from the blog Nail Crazy :-) 

It all started with the prize that I won on her blog and then, before she sent the prize to me, we got the idea that we could make a swap :-) 
She was interested in some Kiko nail polishes and I was interested in some other brands of nail polishes... well, you will see them on the photos in this post :-)

All about this swap was so interesting and fun, and just like Žana wrote to me, it seemed like we were "on a (secret) mission" to find all the nail polishes to send to each other! :-)

So, this is how the content of the package looked like:

The first thing that I saw were these "goodies", something "extra" that she put into the package, and I have to say that these things "survived" only until I made some photos... yum, yum...! :-)

On the next photo, you can see the prize I won on her blog, these beauties are:
Catrice n° 240 Sold Out For Fever
Eveline miniMax n° 820 (green)
Eveline miniMax n° 819 (blue)
Madre Bees organic pomegranate lip balm

And then, all the beautiful nail polishes I chose for the swap:
Catrice C04 Rouge, Bien Sùr 
Catrice C02 So Classy 
Catrice n° 15 Denim Moore
Catrice n° 350 Hip Queens Wear Blue Jeans
Catrice n° 14 Purple Reign
Catrice n° 22 Bricky Mouse
Catrice n° 770 Put Lavender On Agenda
Color Club n° Uptown Girl

Some more "close up" photos :-)

Dear Žana, thank you for the lovely prize and thank you for this beautiful swap, it was really an interesting and exciting experience! Thank you so much for all your efforts to find all the nail polishes I wanted, till the last one! :-) I know I will enjoy them a lot and I wish the same thing to you! :-)


  1. Wow, that a great swap - a lot of lovely polishes :)

  2. Replies
    1. Se ci fosse, penso che il mio portafoglio sarebbe sempre vuoto... :-) Per fortuna, c'è il negozio Kiko, là dovrebbero stendere il tappeto rosso per me, ogni volta che entro lascio una piccola fortuna... :-)

  3. ooh you got some amazing polishes there! What a lovely idea. I'm delighted it worked out well for you

    1. Yes, to me they are amazing and I can't wait to try all of them! :-)

  4. Replies
    1. And they are waiting in a row to be used, as soon as possible... :-)

  5. Awesome nail mail! ^_^

    1. :-) Yes, I really think it is awesome! Unfortunately I had some rainy days so I have to wait a little bit more to try all of them! :-)

  6. dobar swap, ja sam apsolutno zadovoljna, nadam se i it :*

    1. ti... ne slušaju me prstići ;)

    2. Ja sam ti rekla sve sta sam imala o ovom swap-u: fenomenalno, zadovoljna 100% :-)

    3. Pa da, prstici te ne slusaju jer su zaludjeni nekim tamo zelenim lakom koje nose na noktima! :-)

  7. Bome te dobro opskrbila :D al znam da si i ti nju onim kikicima :D

    1. Jeste, jeste, bila je prava vrednica, nije odustala dok mi nije sve pronasla! :-)


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