
23 September, 2013

Green & white dots on light green

Rimmel Salon Pro n° 608 It's Lush
Rimmel Salon Pro n° 604 Lime To Go
NYC n° 134 Pinstripe White
NYC n° 138 Classy Glassy top coat


  1. Hi Tatjana! I love this manicure! I really do, I'd love to try it, I just have one technical question: do you paint first all the colour dots and then add the whites, or you pint one raw of each colour alternatively? I ask so because when I try things like this I never get straight lines of dots, and it looks pretty bad

    1. Hi, Natalia! :-) I prepare two colours (this time white and darker green), I use one dotting tool with two different endings and then I draw: one bigger green dot, one smaller white dot.... till the end of the row... :-) It is a little bit funny because I have to twist my dotter tool so many times, but with a bit of patience I see my row of dots "growing" in the way I want... :-)

  2. It's lush is a gorgeous green, and I love your entire mani so much!!

    1. Thank you, Maria! :-) Lately I bought a lot of new green polishes :-)

  3. Ovo su oni novi Rimmelovi jel tako? ovaj koji je samo pojedinacna boja na noktima je jos i prihvatljiv :P

    1. Jeste, imaju i novi oblik bocice... Uradila sam i swatcheve, ali su mi "zarobljeni" (zajedno sa fotografijama jos nekih 7-8 manikira) u mom netbook-u koji je trenutno pokvaren i pokusavam da vidim da li se isplati popravljati ga ili samo izvuci podatke iz njega i kupiti novi... :-/

  4. It looks so lovely! :)

  5. I LOVE the green, so gorgeous :).
    I have nominated you for the Blog Your Heart Out Award, if you wish to accept see this post -

  6. krasna bojica, a akcenti djeluju skroz zanimljivo... i uredno, poput malih vojnika ;)

    1. Pa, da, ja ih "postrojim", nema da mi neka tackica izlazi iz reda, inace je izbacujem iz celog manikira! :-)

    2. znači slušaju zbog pustog straha lol

    3. Zapretim im i da cu ih izbrisati acetonom posle pola sata... toga se najvise boje! :-)


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