
25 August, 2013

Golden Rose Jolly Jewels n° 117

I present to you the nail polish Golden Rose Jolly Jewels n° 117.
Photographs: outside in the sun, two layers of nail polish, with top coat.

Here comes the hard part of this post.... :-) I guess that some of you could probably think I'm crazy, but I just have to admit that I'm disappointed with this nail polish... It just seems to me that it's too full of golden glitter, the application was a perfect mess... :-) 
don't know if this is normal or I got the bottle with a double dose of glitter? :-)

I have some other nail polishes from the collection Golden Rose Jolly Jewels, but this one is completely different... :-) 

If I try to mix it with some normal black nail polish, would it be a good idea? Any suggestions? :-) Thanks! :-)


  1. Maybe you should try to sponge it over a black polish, it's often easier to control glitters that way, I think...

    1. This nail polish could be put on your nails without any other base polish, it is already black and it should work like a normal nail polish with glitters. But it's incredible how full it is of glitter, it makes it look so thick and it's impossible put a "thin layer" of it... I will try to sponge it over a black polish to see what happens :-)

  2. E' stato uno dei miei ultimi acquisti ed ero cosi' entusiasta di averlo trovato, devo provarlo il prima possibile e vedere se fa la stessa cosa pure a me. Anche se devo ammettere che anche un altro di questa linea a me non ha convinto molto durante la stesura poi pero' l'effetto finale non e' stato niente male.

    1. Ho preso alcuni smalti di questa collezione:

      n° 109 (rosa) che è perfetto

      n° 123 (sale e pepe) che adoro

      n° 111 (azzurro) che mi è già sembrato diverso dai primi due, ma alla fine ho ottenuto un bell'effetto

      Mi ero innamorata di questo qui n° 117, l'ho provato 2 volte e sono rimasta delusa...

      Per favore, quando lo provi, fammi sapere le tue impressioni :-)

  3. zasad jos uvijek nemam ovog, al negdje je na prosirenoj wishlisti :D

    1. Ja sam bila odusevljena kada sam ga videla u bocici, ali sada vise nisam... Mozda cu pronaci pravi nacin da ga lepo iskoristim :-)

  4. It looks great to me but I can see there is an enormous amount of glitter in it!
    I agree with Maria! Or make it thinner with a thinner an layer it over a black polish instead.

    1. It's incredible how much glitter it has inside, it makes it look so thick and it's impossible put a "thin layer" of it... I'll have to experiment some more... :-)

  5. Ciao Tatjana! non ho questo smalto, ma ho un L'oreal chiamato L'or noir che sembra molto simile, ed è pure troppo fitto di glitter, ma riesco a fare una capa fina pero la base nera non è abastanza coprente, quindi risulta una m"rda. Penso che anch'io provero con la spugna per vedere se risulta. baci!

    1. Tra i commenti ho avuto alcune risposte delle ragazze che hanno la stessa impressione come me: troppi glitter!! :-) Proverò a trovare un modo per utilizzare comunque lo smalto! :-)

  6. oh I know what you mean! I saw this glitter in rl, and I didn't bought it for the exactly same reason - it had too much glitter, and it was a perfect mess in a bottle already lol
    I have 2 Jewels from the line, and both of them are densely packed with glitter.. I know they are supposed to be worn alone, but I only use them as top coats, because otherwise they look kinda ugly to my liking :/

    1. Thanks God, I thought there's something wrong with me... But, it seems that the problem is really the quantity of glitter...! :-) Well, I will have to find the way to use it somehow... :-)

  7. Io finora ne ho provati due di Jolly Jewels (ne ho 5 in totale) e con uno dei due ho avuto lo stesso problema :( Troppi glitter :(

    1. Oh, bene, cioè ho già iniziato a preoccuparmi di essere l'unica "strana" a cui non piacciono i glitter...! :-) Qualche suggerimento per poter utilizzare questo smalto in qualche modo, mischiarlo con uno smalto nero e vedere come si comporterà? :-)

  8. ako ti toliko smeta što ima previše glittera uzet ću ga ja i rješen problem, meni je prekrasan :D

    1. Ne znam bas da li bi tako rekla kada bi ga probala... stvarno je pretrpan gliterima! :-)

  9. I don't have this one, but I'ver read about problems with its application. Maybe you should try some thinner or to layer this polish over black creme?

    1. I don't think that thinner could resolve this problem, the quantity and the consistency of nail polish is OK, but the quantity of glitter is something incredible and thinner can't help with this... Also, it's very difficult to have a thin layer of this nail polish over some black creme... You should have this nail polish in your hands to try it and understand how "desperate" it is :-) But, I will try to resolve the problem somehow :-)


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