
15 May, 2013

Debby Color Play n° 229

I present to you the nail polish Debby Color Play n° 229.
Photographs: outside in the sun, three layers of nail polish, without top coat.


  1. Now I have to be honest - I simply do not like this polish - but I'm sure you will do some pretty nail art on it ;)

    1. To be honest, I expected more from this nail polish, it seemed "stronger" in the bottle and much different when I put it on my nails :-/ Well, I started with some nail art, but I didn't liked how it looked, so I totaly covered it! :-)

  2. nije loš, ali jedva čekam nail art ;)

    1. Hehehe... nisam bila bas zadovoljna ovim lakom, kada sam ga videla u bocici izgledao mi je mnogo "jace" i nekako "zlatnije", a na noktima je ispao sasvim drugacije... A sto se tice nail art-a pocela sam da izvlacim linije po njemu, nisam bila zadovoljna efektom pa sam ga sasvim pokrila... :-)

  3. I like how it sparkles! :)

    1. It's a little bit strange, I expected it to be stronger, with more gold in it... :-/

  4. Pa nije bas nesto posebno :/ al pretpostavljam da je tebi bio dobra podloga za nesto :)

    1. Iskreno, mislila sam da ce biti bolji, trebalo mi je nesto "zlatnije"... Na kraju nisam na njemu napravila ni nail art, sasvim sam ga pokrila... :-)

  5. Strange polish. i really like that slight red multichrome it has in some of the pictures but I am not sure how much I like it in the other pictures...
    It's what I would call... "interesting"...

    1. It's supposed to have a slight red multichrome, but it doesn't show as much as it should.. I thought it would be more "golden" (like it seemed to me looking at the bottle), but I was wrong... I don't know how much I'm going to use it, I just have to try it again till I find the right way to wear it... :-)

  6. L'ho comprato anch' devo ancora provarlo. Concordo con te sul fatto che i riflessi siano poco evidenti :-S peccato. E provarlo su una base colorata?

    1. L'ho provato solo una volta e sì, dovrei provarlo di nuovo, su una base colorata... :-) Ci deve essere il modo di tirare fuori il meglio da questo smalto! :-)


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