
25 March, 2013

Born Pretty Store Review: Nail Art Brushes - Black and golden leaves on holographic peacock green

This beautiful set of nail art brushes was kindly offered to me from Born Pretty Store for this review. You can find it on their web site with this name 4 pcs Acrylic UV gel Nail Art Paint Drawing Brush Kititem ID: 465.

The set contains 4 different sizes nail art brushes, they are very delicate, with refined tip and they are easy to handle. They are perfect for nail art painting and drawing and can be used with nail polish and acrylic paint.

Here is my manicure, the details are made with acrylic colours and nail polishes, using the smallest of Born Pretty Store nail art brushes :-)
I called it "Black and golden leaves on holographic peacock green" :-)

Kiko Holographic n° 401 Peacock Green
Debby Color Play n° 146 Golden
Acrylic colours
NYC n° 138 Classy Glassy top coat

What kind of brushes do you use for your nail art creations? 

If you would like to try these brushes, you can find them on Born Pretty Store web site with this name 4 pcs Acrylic UV gel Nail Art Paint Drawing Brush Kit

Here is also my 10% off coupon code that you can use on any purchase.


  1. I'm happy you like them - they promised to send those to me for review TWICE - the first time they sent something quite else - and the second time they either didn't send - or it got lost on it's way....

    1. I use these nail art brushes and they are really excellent for nail art creations, I adore the thinnest one :-)
      About your set that they sent you: maybe it's not lost on it's way, it takes a long time to get the package from them, 4-5 weeks, but I can tell you that I always got everything I bought from them and everything that they sent to me for a review.
      My contact is Daisy Lee (, maybe you could write to her about your problem.. :-)

  2. So beautiful, like paintings! ;)

  3. These are beautiful! You are so good with the fine lines!

    1. Thank you! :-) If you use acrylic colours you can draw really fine lines, if you use nail polish it is a little bit more difficult, but can be done.. :-)

  4. besprijekoran nail art, šta je - je :D
    na tvoju preporuku (hvala) i ja koristim ove kistiće i stvarno su mi najbolji od svih do sad :D

    1. Hvala! :-) Ja sam ih i ranije koristila, a i sada nastavljam, samo sto mi je problem "konkurencija" tj. moj muz koji isto koristi neke cetkice za njegov hobi, tako se borimo za najtanju cetkicu, organizujemo "lutriju" tj. izvlacimo iz sesira brojeve cetkica, pa ko je srecne ruke izvuce najtanju... :-)

  5. This is so pretty!!
    And I just might look for those brushes too!
    Can you please say something about how you deal with the brushes? How you clean them, how you store them... all that sort of info?

    1. I've been using these nail art brushes for a long time and they are the best that I had. I use them mainly for drawing with acrylic colours, so also the cleaning is easy enough, with water and some very gentle soap (sometimes when I'm in a hurry I forget about the soap, shame on me..). I store them in their original plastic packaging (if you enlarge the photo with the set of brushes you can see that each of them has its own solid plastic packaging), so their tips don't get damaged :-)

  6. divno kao i uvijek ovo bi definitivno nosila :D


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