
25 February, 2013

Stamping on dark blue

Golden Rose n° 231 Dark Blue
Konad white stamping polish
Born Pretty Store stamping plate m64
NYC n° 138 Classy Glassy top coat

This stamping is very simple, basic... :-) But this is only my second stamping manicure, so I'm happy with the result... :-) I guess I just have to be patient... practice makes perfect! :-) 


  1. Tek druga, jao kad se ja sjetim svoje druge... Ali super ti je ovo ispalo, morat cu i ja probat neki bijelo plavi stamping

    1. Tek sa ovim Konad lakom za stampanje mi koliko-toliko uspeva... :-) A recimo ovaj dizajn mi je nekako premali za nokat na palcu, pa sam morala da "docrtam" par belih tackica... :-)

  2. Gorgeous design, perfect polish combination, looks exellent!

  3. We would definitely be happy to see more stamping on your blog in the future, because this combination looks great. =)
    But please don't stop making nail art, because your nail art is really amazing and inspiring =)

    1. Hvala, Dolores! :-) Volim da probam sve tehnike, ali najvise volim free hand nail art! :-)

  4. These look great!! And the stamping is almost perfect!! Very well done!! I would never have believed it was only your second time?!?! You should have seen my second time... absolutely awful... I almost gave up stamping... The blue polish is lovely too!! <3

    1. Well, I tried other times with some nail polishes that I have, but I always gave up after 1-2 nails, it simply didn't work! I guess I just didn't have right polishes for stamping, or maybe I didn't have enough patience... :-) But this result makes me happy and gives me the wish to try again :-)

  5. Wow, ovo je stvarno prekrasno. :))

    Da si tek vidjela moju drugu stamping manikuru, to je smijeh hahhaha. Tebi ovo super ide i samo nastavi.

    1. Ma probala sam par puta sa nekim mojim lakovima koji su mi se cinili pogodni, ali sam odustajala posle 1-2 nokta... :-) Izgleda da ili nisam pronasla pravi odgovarajuci lak za stampanje ili nisam imala dovoljno strpljenja... :-)

  6. That's only you second time stamping?!?! These are amazing!!! I'm going to try stamping out this week and if it looks half as good as this I will be happy!

    1. Thank you, Kas! :-) I tried other times with some nail polishes that I have, but I always gave up after 1-2 nails, it simply didn't work! This time I used Konad nail polish made for stamping and I got the results that I can publish :-)

  7. ovo mi je jedan od najdražih uzoraka, krasan je... a kombinacija boja besprijekorna <3

    1. I meni se uzorak bas dopada :-) Inace imam samo ovu plocicu i jos valjda 3-4 Essence plocice i to je sve sto se tice mog materijala za stampanje :-)

  8. It looks really great!

  9. Uf, perfektno ti je uspelo!! Najprej sem mislila, da si vse narisala sama, potem se mi je pa vzorček zdel malo znan - tudi sama imam to konad ploščico, hihi! ;))

    1. Postoji jedna razlika izmedju nasih plocica: ti te plocice upotrebljavas, a na mojima se skuplja prasina, a posle se zalim sto ne znam da stampam...! :-)

  10. Just your second stamping??? It's GORGEOUS!!! WOW!!!

    1. Well, let's say my second successful stamping, I tried few times but it went wrong, I guess because of polishes that were no good for stamping... :-)

  11. Replies
    1. Grazie, Simona! :-) Per quanto riguarda questa tecnica sono ancora una principiante... :-)


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