
22 February, 2013

Home-made decals: Honeycomb

...I like to play with my nails... :-) My favourite manicures are free-hand nail art manicures, but I also like to try other things like tape manicure, flocking powder, water decals... :-)

The manicure Honeycomb that I published yesterday was made directly on my nails, using normal dotting tools. :-)

Then I got the idea to try to make some honeycomb decals :-)
Somebody could think: "Why should I make decals if I can do this manicure directly on my nails?" 

Well, I don't know if it happens to you, but sometimes when I finish my manicure and I'm satisfied with the result, I still have many ideas in my head and I still have the wish to play with my nail polishes. Maybe this inspiration could be used to make some home-made decals :-) 

You could make them and save them for those days when you don't have so much free time and you still want a nice manicure... which you can make really quickly using your decals that you prepared days or weeks ago :-) 

Or, you can make them and give them as a gift to somebody... :-)

So, I present to you my first home-made decals and a little tutorial :-)

You just need to apply one normal layer of top coat on your nail, place the decal on, adjust it as you like and then finish with final layer of top coat.

What do you think about my home-made honeycomb decals? :-)


  1. Di tanto in tanto lo faccio anch'io! :) è comodo quando non si è bravissime nel disegno, basta avere il disegno-guida sotto la pellicola trasparente.. L'accent della manicure che porto in questi giorni è fatto proprio così (se mi decidessi a finirle farei la foto..)! Ma tu sei talmente brava da non avere bisogno di questi aiutini!

    1. Grazie! :-) Credo che questo sistema home-made decals potrebbe essere davvero utile qualche volta, vedremo che cosa riuscirò a creare in questo modo! :-)

  2. Replies
    1. Hvala! :-) Videcemo sta ce od svega toga da ispadne! :-)

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you! :-) I think it will be very useful! :-)

  4. super su :D a i plava je krasna ko i uvijek :D

    1. Vidis, juce ti zelena nije "stimala", danas sam se popravila! :-)

  5. Wow, cool tutorial! And a cute honeycomb ;)

    1. Oh, I don't like making videos, so I tried to make some kind of tutorial :-) Thank you, Irina! :-)

  6. UAU, NORO DOBRA IDEJA!!! Kapo dol, tole se pa res splača za tiste, ki nismo tako natančne, kot ti - če kiksnem, lahko naredim novo "nalepko" in ne uničim manikure spodaj. To bom pa definitivno preskusila!!! HVALA!!! =))

    1. A da napravim ja malo nekih cvetica pa da ti ih posaljem, da imas cime da se igras kada budes raspolozena za igranje? Samo, posto imas "mini" nokte onda moram da napravim i mini nalepnice! :-)

    2. Hihihi, može. ;P =)) Pa nimam tako majhnih nohtkov, samo kratki so, sicer pa verjetno širši od tvojih. ;)

    3. Posalji mi dimenzije, pravim sve "po meri", zelim da moji korisnici budu 100% zadovoljni, hihihihihi...! :-)

    4. Hihihi, saj se samo hecam. ;) Ti mi boš maja raje kaj narisala direktno na moje nohtke. ;D =)) :P

    5. Bicu srecna ako se to bude ostvarilo! :-)

  7. Replies
    1. These days I'm playing with some tulip decals :-) We will see what will come out from this experiment :-)

  8. I love making decals and these are just so adorable!! :)

  9. Wonderful tutorial :-D
    I love this method. It's so each and simple, and because it is made with the top coat, when you put that layer of top coat on your nail, it makes your decal's background disappear completely! Brilliant!!!

    1. I like to play, so I wanted to try to make my own decals... and I enjoyed it! :-)

  10. Los vinilos decorativos aportan a un bajo precio un acabado espectacular, moderno y muy original en cualquier habitación de la casa.


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