
23 January, 2013

KKCenterHK Review - X&D Full Nail Art Water Decals XD-75

At the end of last year I received a very kind offer from KKCenterHK to review one of their products. They really have so many interesting products, you can spend hours on their web site... :-) 

Of course, the most interesting things for me were nail products :-) and the products that captured my attention were full nail art water decals...  :-) 

I chose X&D Full Nail Art Water Decals XD-75 with a beautiful blue swirl design! :-)

X&D Full Nail Art Water Decals XD-75

X&D Full Nail Art Water Decals XD-75

The packaging contains 10 water decal images in different sizes.
On the back of the packaging there are the instructions.

The procedure is:
1. cleaning the nail surface
2. cutting the image with scissors
3. placing the decal images on the water for 10 seconds
4. taking out the decal image, removing the paper backing
5. placing the decal image on the nail
6. drying with a make up cotton pad and holding water decal image on the nail until it totally dries
7. clipping down to size
8. protecting the decal with top coat

For me it wasn’t so easy like it seems and like I imagined. I had some problems with placing the decal images on my nails, because they had a tendency to slide around.
Also, after adding the topcoat my decal images wrinkled up a little bit.
So after the first nail done I almost wanted to give up trying, I had the impression that I was doing something wrong.. But it happened with the decals on all the other nails, so I think that this is just the way they “work”…
Of course, after 2-3 nails done the result was a little bit better and I became faster, so I guess that “practice makes perfect” :-)

After two layers of top coat I was satisfied with the final result! I think that the result is definitely worth all the patience! Do you agree?

Have you ever tried full water decals? What was your experience in using them?

If you like them but you haven’t tried them yet, you can find these blue swirl decals and many more beautiful full nail art water decals at KKCenterHK.

Here is also my 10% off coupon code that you can use on any purchase.

And, finally, my full nail art water decals manicure... :-)


  1. All though I know you could paint them just as well - they really are beautiful!

    1. Thank you, Maria! :-) I would love to be able to paint them just as well, but I really don't think that could.. :-) They are perfect.. and they look even better in real life! :-)

  2. dobro je da nisi odustala, predobro izgledaju :D
    volim vodene naljepnice, ali ove za čitav nokat još nisam probala, baš me zanima koliko će izdržati :D

    1. Malo su me namucile, ali na kraju mi se dopalo... :-) Mislim da su ove koje pokrivaju ceo nokat malo "komplikovanije" od onih normalnih water decal nalepnica koje stavis na jedan deo nokta, sa njima se lakse radi, lepse se prilagode noktu i ne guzvaju se kada preko stavis top coat. To znam zato sto ovih dana isprobavam neke water decal nalepnice, nisam ih kupila nego mi ih je napravio moj muz :-) jer ima taj specijalan papir water decal pa prakticno na njemu moze da stampa sta zeli... a ja to sada koristim :-)
      Sto se tice toga koliko su izdrzale... :-) ja sam poslednja osoba na svetu koju to mozes da pitas... posto svakog dana pravim neki novi manikir... :-) Uglavnom, ovaj water decal manikir je sasvim normalno preziveo pranje sudova, rukovanje serpama i slicno... ali rukovanje metalnim novcem citavog dana, rad sa raznim kutijama, teglicama, konzervama... to mi unisti svaki manikir... :-)

  3. They're beautiful! I agree with you the result is worth the patience :)

    1. Yes, sometimes you just need to have a little bit more free time and a little bit more patience than usual... and the results come :-)

  4. naljepnice kod tebe :O tko bi to ocekivao :P nisu lose, ja moram priznat nemam zivaca da idem u pokusaje dobavljanja i stavljanja naljepnica

    1. Ja naj-naj-naj-vise volim moje nail art crtkaranje... Ali, ako imam prilike, volim i da probam nesto novo... :-) Samo, jeste, treba malo vise strpljenja... :-)

  5. Eeeeee, pa ti to možeš sama PUNO BOLJE! Risati po nohtih namreč. ;)) To je za take revčke, kot sem jaz, ki sami ne znamo. =P

    1. Hahaha... sada sam se slatko nasmejala... :-) Znas ti da pravis mnoge prekrasne manikire! :-) A ovo je samo malo zabave, s vremena na vreme, ne mislim da zauvek predjem na ovakvu vrstu manikira... :-)

  6. I agree with some of the comments here - you can free-hand this so well!! :-D
    But you're right, those really are very pretty decals

    1. Thank you! :-) The most I like nail art, but sometimes I just wish to try something different :-)

  7. Very nice decals! I love swirl designs :)

    1. Thank you! :-) I like swirl designs too, so this was the perfect occasion to try them on my nails, using water decals! :-)


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