
07 December, 2012

Autumn fish scales

Base colour: 
Kiko n° 373 Burnt Sienna

Scale colours:
Kiko n° 223 Pearly Copper
Kiko n° 303 Beige Chrome
Kiko n° 374 Pearly Chocolate Noir
Kiko n° 373 Burnt Sienna
Maybelline n° 130 Rose Poudré
Bottega Verde n° 113415 Pearly Copper
NYC n° 138 Classy Glassy top coat


  1. Fish scales i smedje mi nekako po definiciji ne idu zajdeno, ali mi se svidjaju akcenti

    1. E, pa ovaj put su u pitanju neke smedje ribice! :-)

  2. This looks great! I listed you for a Liebster Award on my blog! Go check it out!

  3. I'm a new follower. I love your fish scales they look so precise. I love nude browns :)

  4. Not a typical Tanja mani, but very nice!

  5. Wow!!!
    How did you do the scales? With the polish brush or your art brush? They look so great and so clean!!!

    1. I did some of the scales with the polish brush (some of these nail polishes have a small polish brush) and with dotting tools... and then a little bit of patience... :-)


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