
01 October, 2012

Depend Holographic n° 2025 Silver

Vi presento lo smalto Depend Holographic n° 2025 Silver.
Fotografie: fuori al sole, due strati di smalto, senza top coat.

Predstavljam vam lak za nokte Depend Holographic n° 2025 Silver.
Fotografije: napolju na suncu, dva sloja laka, bez top coat-a.

I present to you the nail polish Depend Holographic n° 2025 Silver.
Photographs: outside in the sun, two layers of nail polish, without top coat.


  1. I love it how it shines in the sun, this is a gorgeous polish!

    1. It's the only Depend holo that I have, hope that it won't be the last! :-)

  2. many of Depend's holo's have a very "shy" holo, but it's still beautiful!

  3. Replies
    1. Joj tebi i joj svima nama, ne bismo jeli a kupili bi lakove...! :-)

  4. neki dan sam prvi put probala depend lakove i kako se to cudo divno maze, nazalost nijedan nije holo, ali nadam se da cu se docepat kojeg, jer su kako se vidi sa slika divni :D

    1. Ja imam samo ovaj,dobila sam ga na poklon, mnogo mi se dopada! :-)

  5. Oh, super, vsaj tale je malo bolj holografski! =) Mavrica se lepo vidi in upam, da ti je všeč1 ;D


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