
21 September, 2012

Magnetic: Powerful Purple, Spectacular Storm, Shimmering Titanium

I present to you three Magnetic nail polishes, they are Powerful Purple, Spectacular Storm and Shimmering Titanium. I got them in my beautiful nail-mail package from my cousin Mateja, blog Rainbows and Blues.
They remind me of a-england nail polishes and I simply adore them :-) Dear Mateja, thank you soooo much..! :-)

Powerful Purple

Spectacular Storm

Shimmering Titanium


  1. They are GORGEOUS - it's fun how the name makes us expect magnetic polishes :)

    1. I am enchanted by these polishes... I like them soooo much! :-)

  2. Very beautiful polishes! Have a great weekend.

  3. oh lord! how beautiful they are! - i was too expecting magnetic polishes...these are extremely amazing!

    1. Yes, they are not really magnetic, "Magnetic" is their name :-) They ARE amazing, I just love them! :-)

  4. Hihi, tole je res smešno, ko vidimo napis "Magnetic", si že vsi predstavljamo magnetne lakce. ;) Je pa res, da je tale firma pri nas že dolgo, še veliko dlje, kot se je začel trend magnetnih lakov. Zdaj pa je precej težko najti swatche, ker se ime znamke zameša s finišem. Ampak tvoji swatchi so perfektni in upam, da jih bo našlo čimveč ljudi, ki jih zanima ta firma. To so hkrati trije moji najljubši odtenki z njihove strani in vesela sem, da so ti všeč. =))

    1. Lakovi su neverovatno dobri i zasluzuju najbolju reklamu...! :-)
      Hvala, hvala, hvala od srca...!!! :-)

  5. fantastični su *.*
    a čija je to uopće marka, nisam uspila nać :(

    1. Jesu, stvarno mi se mnogo dopadaju!
      A cija je marka to ne znam, moramo da pitamo Mateja (Kvacku), una mi ih je poslala! :-)


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