
23 August, 2012

Kiko Holographic n° 399 Silk Taupe and Kiko Holographic n° 400 Steel Grey

Vi presento gli smalti Silk Taupe e Steel Grey della collezione Lavish Oriental Kiko Holographic Nail Lacquer, edizione limitata.
Fotografie: fuori al sole. Due strati di smalto, con top coat.

Predstavljam vam lakove za nokte Silk Taupe i Steel Grey iz kolekcije Lavish Oriental Kiko Holographic Nail Lacquer, limitirano izdanje.
Fotografije: napolju na suncu. Dva sloja laka sa top coat-om.

I present to you nail polishes Silk Taupe and Steel Grey from the collection Lavish Oriental Kiko Holographic Nail Lacquer, limited edition.
Photographs: outside in the sun. Two layers of nail polish, with top coat.

Kiko holographic n° 399 Silk Taupe

Kiko holographic n° 400 Steel Grey


  1. Wow, on those "side ways" photos you get a good look at all the colors it reflects -beautiful swatches...

    1. I admit that I never manage to make good photos of holo nail polishes, so they always look better in real life... I don't know why, I have a very good sun here and I try to make photos that let you see the rainbow effect, but at the end when I reduce the photos most of this effect can't be seen... Yes, the "side way" photos are a little bit better :-)

  2. Replies
    1. Yes, they are amazing and in real life they look better then on my photos! :-)

  3. wow, ja bih oba, ne znam koji mi se više sviđa *.*

    1. ...a postoje jos 2 holo u istoj seriji: tirkizni i roza, pa sad ti pokusaj da odaberes samo jedan... :-)

  4. Nisam znala da i Kiko ima holice, ovaj super izgleda, definitivno bi ga nosila :)

    1. misljah na ovog drugog, a ni prvi nije za bacit ^_^

    2. Ovo je nova kolekcija holo lakova, ima ih cetiri: sivi, boja peska, tirkizni i roza :-) S vremena na vreme izbace neku specijalnu kolekciju :-)

  5. Both looks super pretty!

    1. Yes, they are very interesting holo nail polishes! :-)

  6. Replies
    1. Yes, there are also other two colours (pink and turquoise), but I liked these more! :-)

  7. Prelepi su. :D Ali bas ih je tesko uslikati.

    1. Da znas da su stvarno prelepi. A ja na zalost nisam bas strucnjak da uhvatim njihov holo efekat, i pored jakog sunca koje imam...

  8. Hihihi, sem vedela, ad jih boš kupila! =)) Krasna sta! <3
    Ampak - kje pa sta roza in turkizen? :P

    1. Hihihi... znala sam i ja... vec odavno sam javno priznala da sam lakoholicarka! A roza i tirkizni nisam kupila jer sam bila jaka i uspela sam da odolim... ili ih mozda nisam kupila samo zato sto od tada vise nisam usla u prodavnicu Kiko? :-)


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