
18 August, 2012

Dotted double green V-gap manicure

Kiko n° 345 Jade Green
Kiko n° 346 Olive Drab
Kiko n° 303 Beige Chrome
NYC n° 138 Classy Glassy top coat


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Maria! :-) To tell you the truth, I wasn't so happy with the result, I think I should try again with two different colours (one very dark and the other very light) and I hope I will find the right combination :-)

  2. super mi je ova :-D
    koji je ovo duboko dekolte ;-)
    i još... joj, koliko u tebe ima kikića *.*

    1. Hvala! :-) Meni konacni rezultat i nije bas po volji, nekako nije dovoljno "definisano", moracu da probam neku drugu kombinaciju boja...
      U pravu si, prodavacice u Kiku bi trebale da mi prostru crveni tepih kad me vide da prilazim prodavnici :-)

  3. Pretty! I'm not sure why, but this design reminds me of some kind of blouses :)

    1. Thanks! :-) Maybe it looks like the opening of the blouse and the dots look like bottons? :-)

    2. It might be! :)


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