
11 June, 2012

Three manicures on artificial nails

Hello my dear followers and readers! :-)

Today I wanted to tell you something that I wanted to tell you time ago... Better late then never! :-)
Here I go: I really appreciate you following me and my works and being close to me in this wonderful nail art experience! I appreciate all your comments, I like reading your comments and replying them. I had really nice moments "talking" to many of you this way, in our comments :-)
I like to write, and I would really like to write more in every my post, but in most of my posts I write the list of nail polishes I used for the manicure and that's it... The only reason why I do like this is the lack of time. The lack of time is also the reason why today I write this post in english only, but I think that most of my italian, serbian, croatian readers (and my readers from other non-english-speaking countries) know english and will understand everything :-)
I'll try to change this in future, I'll try to write something more whenever it will be possible to me :-)

Now I want to write the story about this post :-)

These are three manicures made on artificial nails for my dear cousin Mateja, Kvacka from Rainbows and Blues blog. She chose these three from all my manicures and I had really a great pleasure doing them for her :-) Unfortunately, one of these manicures arrived damaged at the destination, but this is completely another story and I'm not going to bother you with it... The important thing is that Mateja liked all of them and that she will use two manicures that arrived in perfect conditions! 

Mateja, it would be so nice to live in the same city, we could visit each other at least once a week and do our manicures to each other. Since the situation is very different, we have to wait for another possibility to meet again and in the meantime follow each other on our blogs! I'm happy you liked how I decorated your artificial nails and we can repeat this experience whenever you want! :-)

Let me explain all the story :-) 
Since we live far away from each other and since Mateja wanted to try some of my manicures, she sent me 3 sets of artificial nails, she already prepared them choosing those nails which suited her most and shaping them. I prepared the nails attaching every nail to a simple toothpick (using removable glue pads Patafix) and simply cleaning them from the dust... Well, Mateja prepared them and already cleaned them perfectly, they were not dusty at all, I just did it to "get in contact with them" and "hypnotise" them, to prepare them for the treatment! :-)

The rest of the process was exactly the same like I do when I make the manicures on my own nails, the only difference is that I didn't put the base coat that I usually put on my nails, artificial nails don't need it :-)
Everything else and the working process you can see on the photographs bellow :-)

Nail polishes and materials that I used for these manicures were:
a-england Bridal Veil (for the manicure "Monarch butterfly wings")
a-england Tristam (for the manicure "Flowers on Tristam")
Golden Rose n° 50 light pink, Kiko n° 256 Wild Rose Microglitter, Golden Rose Nail Art n° 101 White, n°  107 Silver and n° 121 Silver glitter (for the manicure "Think Pink")
Acrylic colours
NYC n° 138 Classy Glassy top coat

If you would like to see the original manicures on my blog, follow the links bellow :-)
Monarch butterfly wings
Flowers on Tristam, which is White flowers on matt black changed a little bit :-)
Think Pink

Enjoy the photos and tell me what do you think and if you like this! :-)

Preparation of artificial nails

Monarch butterfly wings

Flowers on Tristam

Think Pink

The final result - all manicures together


  1. Too bad the first were damaged :( - but I'm happy these lovely manicures arrived safe and sound!

    1. Maria, the set of nails that arrive damaged was one of these three and it was Think Pink :-( But the other two luckily are in perfect conditions! :-)

  2. I love your navy flowers, I really like how you gave the depth of color to them. Oh god, seriously I'll dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    1. :-) Thank you! :-) It's so nice to hear that somebody else likes something that I've done and something that also I like! :-)

  3. Resnično si zelo nadarjena. Čudovite poslikave si naredila!

    1. Hvala, Mateja! :-) To je Mateja (Kvacka) izabrala a meni je bilo zadovoljstvo da ih napravim! :-)

  4. Pravo je zadovoljstvo naići na nekoga koga mogu odmah razumeti :D !

  5. pink su mi malo obični kad se usporede s prethodne dvije manikure, ali lijepi na svoj način... mateja ima zašto biti zadovoljna... pa tko ne bi!?
    predivan rad, šteta što su putem oštećeni, meni se čini da bih plakala nad njima :-(

    1. Na srecu, samo su neki nokti manikira Think Pink stigli osteceni, kao da su se otopili i na dodir si mogao da zgnjecis slojeve laka i da ostavis sopstvene otiske prstiju (kao tvoj manikir CSI, hihihi..) Jeste da je tu bilo dosta slojeva roze laka (neverovatno slabo prekriva...), pa roza french, crtice i top coat, ali naravno da sam sacekala dok se sve to lepo osusi.. Od kada su radovi bili zavrseni noktici su stajali na mom stolu na vazduhu nekoliko dana, i sigurno ih ne bih zapakovala da sam imala i najmanju sumnju da se nisu osusili... Ne znam da li im se u putu desila neka cudna reakcija, cinjenica je da su nokti Think Pink lose prosli...
      Ali, dobro je da su ova druga dva kompletica noktiju srecno stigla na odrediste! :-)

  6. Oooooh, kako sem vesela, da vidim tale post!!! =))
    Meni so bile te slike res noro všeč in škoda bi bilo, če jih tvoje spremljevalke ne bi videle!!! =))
    Nohtki so sedaj pri meni na varnem, ko pa diplomiram, jih bom preizkusila in naredila en večji "photoshoot session" in potem boš videla, kako mi stojijo, juhu! HVALA ti 1000x, zdaj se pa kar pripravi, da prejmeš še kakšno povpraševanje, hihi!!! =))

    1. Stvarno mi je mnogo drago sto ti se dopadaju i bice mi drago ako ih budes dobro iskoristila i ako ti bar jedan dan ti nokti budu krasili tvoje prste! :-) A bas ce mi biti drago i da vidim kako ti stoje! :-)
      Sto se tice povprasevanja, ne vem da li ima zainteresovanih za takvu vrstu "umetnosti", ne ocekujem nikakve zahteve :-)

  7. All of these manicures are beautiful!

  8. dobar izbor ipak ovi s tristanom su mi najbolji, steta za think pink :(

    1. Matejin izbor, moje ispunjenje zelja! Jeste, steta za Think Pink, ona ima kratke nokte, pa je bas htela da bar u jednoj prilici nosi french manikir... Sledeci put ce biti bolje! :-)


I read and appreciate every single comment, but I don't like spamming or link dropping. Please do not link your blog: I always check from your profile! If you want me to read a post of yours or visit your website send me an email (see the contact tab above). Thank you :-)