Questa è una delle cose che mi piace fare - disegnare sulle unghie! Vi presento le mie creazioni...
Ovo je jedna od stvari koje volim da radim - oslikavanje noktiju! Predstavljam vam moje kreacije...
This is one of the things I enjoy doing - nail painting! I present to you my creations...

26 July, 2024

BornPretty review: Auroras 3D Painted Gel A03

Today I present you a new product that I got from BornPretty for my honest review :-)

It is Auroras 3D Painted Gel A03 and you can find it on BornPretty website with this name: Auroras 3D Painted Gel Polish 5mlA03.

This 3D gel comes in a 5 gr plastic jar, it is made of healthy, non poisonous, environmental friendly materials, it is quick-drying with UV light or LED light and it's very easy to use :-)

There are 6 different shades in Auroras 3D Painted Gel Series, take a look at them, they are all very pretty! :-) 

I got 3 shades, golden, silver and purple and I love all of them! 
Today I present you A03, purple :-) 

If you would like to see Auroras 3D Painted Gel A06 (golden shade), follow the link: BornPretty review: Auroras 3D Painted Gel A06 :-)

I didn't have problems working with Auroras 3D Painted Gel A03, the application was just as I expected it to be! :-) 

This gel is thicker than normal gels, so it is not meant to be a classic painting gel, because you can't draw very thin lines. But, it is perfect for creating abstract shapes on your nails, and if you like 3D sensation on your nails you will be very happy with the results :-)

Today I tried to draw some big purple 3D flowers on my nails and I like how they came out! :-)

because the gel is thick, it can be uneven after filling the jar by machine, so you could notice a grease separation, but it's completely normal; I suggest you to stir it with a toothpick or a dotter and it will come back to its normal consistance! :-)

Auroras 3D Painted Gel A03 has high quality fine shimmer polarized colour, it has "mashed potato" texture, easy to smudge and embellish and it is very luminous, with multicolour dazzling light particles, I like it very much! :-)

This is the procedure that you should follow:
1. prepare your nails and file them
2. apply a very thin layer of UV base coat and cure it under the 120W LED lamp for 1 minute
3. apply a layer of UV colour gel that you prefer, and then cure it under the 120W LED lamp for 1 minute; repeat if necessary 
4. apply a layer of UV top coat, it can be shiny or matte, as you prefer, cure it under the 120W LED lamp for 1 minute
4. apply Auroras 3D Painted Gel with a thin brush, creating shapes that you like and cure it under the 120W LED lamp for 1 minute
5. apply a little bit of cuticle oil and admire your new manicure! :-)

I can also suggest you to see this BornPretty video that explains and shows some different ways to use Auroras 3D Painted Gel: 

So, here it is, Auroras 3D Painted Gel A03! :-) 
I hope you like it as much as I do!! :-)

I remind you that BornPretty has a free shipping of all orders over $20, they ship worldwide, often they also make very nice offers too and, if you need some extra help, you are welcome to use my 10% off coupon code: MOONLIGHT10 o enter directly using this link: MOONLIGHT10 to get the 10% off on all your BornPretty orders! :-)


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