Questa è una delle cose che mi piace fare - disegnare sulle unghie! Vi presento le mie creazioni...
Ovo je jedna od stvari koje volim da radim - oslikavanje noktiju! Predstavljam vam moje kreacije...
This is one of the things I enjoy doing - nail painting! I present to you my creations...

22 April, 2015

Stamping: White leaves skittlette on blue

Superficially Colorful Lacquer: Prototype I
white stamping nail polish
Born Pretty Store stamping plate BP-19
round silver nail art studs
Kiko 3 in 1 Shine fortifying fast dry base/top coat


  1. I'm glad you chose white for this pretty blue polish - it's a beautiful mani!

    1. Thank you, Maria :-) Blue & white are a perfect match :-)

    2. Blue and white are indeed the perfect match, and it couldn't be a better timing - since yesterday was Israel's independence day and as you know - our flag is blue and white so your mani looks even more festive and wonderful then you would think! ;-)
      Thank you so much for your gorgeous swatches and all the kind words ♥♥♥
      And Thank you too Maria!!!

    3. Thank YOU for this beautiful nail polish and for your nice words, dear Jin! :-)

  2. Zar i ovo dodje skittlette? svidja mi se kombinacija kako god se zvala :)

    1. Hvala :-) Moram proveriti, to sam se mozda zanela pa sam i ovoj dala ime skittlette :-)

  3. Very beautiful blue nail polish and manicure! :)

  4. Bellissimo questo pattern che hai scelto! E poi blu e bianco è sempre bello!!

    1. Grazie, Simona :-) Concordo, anche a me piace la combinazione bianco&blu :-)


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