Questa è una delle cose che mi piace fare - disegnare sulle unghie! Vi presento le mie creazioni...
Ovo je jedna od stvari koje volim da radim - oslikavanje noktiju! Predstavljam vam moje kreacije...
This is one of the things I enjoy doing - nail painting! I present to you my creations...

06 September, 2014

Stained glass blue roses

I got the inspiration for this manicure from Glittersholic. I like drawing mosaics, I like drawing flowers (particularly roses!), so when I saw her manicure Stained glass roses I knew I needed to try it! I used two shades of blue because it's my favourite colour :-) 

I'm very happy how this manicure came out and I hope that you like this manicure as much as I do! :-)

NYC n° 134 Pinstripe White
acrylic colours
NYC n° 138 Classy Glassy top coat


  1. I LOVE your stained glass mani's, they are my absolute favorites from you - and this soooo gorgeous <3

    1. Thank you, Maria! :-) I am really happy how this manicure came out and I enjoyed wearing it! :-)

  2. These stained glass roses look amazing! It is such a great effect. You have a great attention to detail and I bet decals wouldn't even be this lovely :-D

    1. Thank you! :-) I like manicures like this and I wear them with pleasure :-)

  3. wow *.*
    ovo zbilja ne bih nacrtala za 20 godina, mislim da bih prije nekog zadavila ;)
    priznaj, samo meni, nitko neće vidjeti, koliko ti je vremena trebalo za ovo sve ;)

    1. :-) Ne znam, mislim da je trebalo vise od sat vremena... mozda sat i po? :-) Prvo sam nacrtala sve konture crnom akrilnom bojom, na svim noktima, onda sam shvatila da sam se "zeznula", da sam bas zakomplikovala i da sam trebala crtati samo na dva nokta :-) ali sam na kraju odlucila da sve posteno odradim... mislim, sve na noktima leve ruke... :-) Na pola puta sam vec pocela da hukcem i da dahcem, to je ovako nekako zvucalo "Uh, ko me je terao da ovo radim!?!" a onda pred kraj, kada sam videla da sve pocinje da dobija bas lep izgled bas sam uzivala u poslednjim detaljima... :-)

    2. ma je, zbilja trebaš stati i diviti se ovakvom radu :D
      ali strava bi bilo promijenit manikuru :(
      meni je bilo žaooo skinuti patike, ali već su se počele habati šmrc šmrc

    3. I meni cesto bude zao da skinem neki manikir, ali uvek imam neku novu ideju u glavi pa to nekako lakse prezivim... ili mi se neki nokat na poslu unisti pa mi je to dobar izgovor da obrisem ceo manikir i napravim novi :-)

  4. oh I must do a stained glass manicure! yours is a great inspiration!

  5. OMG - ovo ne bi napravila ni za milijun godina!!!
    Moj naklon do poda!!! :)))

    1. Nije toliko tesko koliko izgleda, samo stvarno treba strpljenja :-)

  6. I love it. Will have to try it too :)

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. oh. my. goodness!!!! this is FANTASTIC!!!!!!

    1. Thank you, Gosia :-) I was really happy how it came out! :-)

  9. Do you do all this freehand? I just don't see how you could do such tiny details by hand! I'm amazed. I felt the same way about some flowers I saw on another manicure of yours. I had to wonder if it was all freehand painted. Amazing! I wish there were more outlined stamping images so that people like me (terrible at freehand!) could just stamp and fill in with painting. I'm so enjoying your blog. Thanks for sharing your beautiful creations with all of us.

  10. Davvero bellissime, complimenti! :)

  11. Absolutely beautiful and so well done *-*

  12. Il disegno che hai creato è perfetto, sei davvero bravissima!!

  13. opet ti s mini remek djelima, krasna manikura

    1. Hvala! :-) S vremena na vreme treniram zivce na ovaj nacin :-)

  14. Vracala sam se dva puta citati tekst u polu nevjerici da nisam mozda preletila preko djela - ovo su naljepnice, a kad ono NISU! Kakav talent lezi u tvojim rukama zeno!

    1. Akrilne boje, tanka cetkica i strpljenje... :-) Na pocetku to ne lici bas na neko super umetnicko delo i u tim momentima mi je doslo nekoliko puta da odustanem, ali sto vise odmicu radovi i sto je vise ispunjenih prostora to sve lepse izgleda.. :-)


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