Questa è una delle cose che mi piace fare - disegnare sulle unghie! Vi presento le mie creazioni...
Ovo je jedna od stvari koje volim da radim - oslikavanje noktiju! Predstavljam vam moje kreacije...
This is one of the things I enjoy doing - nail painting! I present to you my creations...

26 September, 2014

Catrice Crushed Crystals n° 04 Oyster & Champagne

At the end of April I took part in a giveaway offered by Mateja, blog Purple Glitters, and was lucky enough to win :-) 
I won Catrice palette F'rosen Yoghurt and this beautiful textured nail polish that I present to you today :-) 
Thank you, Mateja, I like both prizes and I'm sure I'll use them with great pleasure! :-)
Enjoy Catrice Crushed Crystals n° 04 Oyster & Champagne :-)

Photographs: outside in the sun, three layers of nail polish, without top coat.


  1. Oh, I had this polish in my hands on my summer vacation and I didn't buy I am very sorry about it, because I like it a lot, how it looks on your nails!

    1. I think this is a beautiful example of textured nail polish enriched with glitter :-)

  2. Agreed, it is such a gorgeous polish. And wear-time is just amazing.

  3. It does give the beach feeling - so oysters and champagnes sounds good with me :)

  4. This is a very pretty polish. I like the finish and how it looks :-)

    1. Yes, it's very interesting textured nail polish, new in my textured polishes collection :-)

  5. mislim da i ja imam ovog i da na meni nekako drugacije izgleda

    1. Moram da skoknem do tvog bloga i da vidim swatch ovog lakica... :-)

    2. nemoj skakat, buduci da sam ultra grozna jos nije dobio svoj swatch O:)

    3. Onda se baci na posao :-) Seti se onog pravila o redovnom objavljivanju, per par dana si pisala o tome na blogu! :-) :-)

    4. znam, al nazalost nece se jos dogodit da se ustalim, mozda dogodine kako je krenulo XD


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