Questa è una delle cose che mi piace fare - disegnare sulle unghie! Vi presento le mie creazioni...
Ovo je jedna od stvari koje volim da radim - oslikavanje noktiju! Predstavljam vam moje kreacije...
This is one of the things I enjoy doing - nail painting! I present to you my creations...

05 July, 2014

Guest post at GioNails - Blue flowers manicure

Hi, my dear followers and readers! :-)

Today I'm a guest of wonderful nail artist Giovanna, so please check her blog GioNails to see the Blue flowers manicure that I prepared for her :-)
And, while you're there, take your time to see all the other wonderful manicures she creates! :-)

Dear Giovanna, thank you for inviting me to be your guest today, it was my honour and a real pleasure and I hope that soon we will repeat this beautiful experience! :-)

I got the inspiration for this manicure from PiggieLuv blog; after having seen her manicure Blue roses for autism I knew that I needed to try it and I used blue because it's my favourite colour :-) Please visit her blog, there are many beautiful manicures to admire! :-)


  1. This is really nice! I really like it. The flowers are really nice and I really like the design! :-) Pretty blues!

  2. Beautiful roses, and very well painted as always! :)

  3. This roses are PERFECT !! You inspiring me :) Good job!

  4. GDJE pise da su ovo naljepnice GDJE, ovo ne moze bit nacrtano :D savrsene su <3 hocu ovo na vrh one liste :D

    1. Sto puta sam ti rekla da ne vices na sav glas da sam koristila nalepnice! :-)

      Ovo je nacrtano... i to na pogresan nacin, pa je duze trajalo... Prakticno sam stavila base coat, nacrtala konture cvetova crnom akrilnom bojom i onda polako ispunjavala latice tamnom i svetlom plavom akrilnom bojom... popravila neke crne linije koje sam tokom rada zabrljala i naravno na kraju stavila top coat... Za to mi je trebalo sat vremena, samo za nokte na levoj ruci.

      Isti manikir sam odradila posle par dana jednoj koleginici, a tada sam ga uradila ovako: kao bazu sam iskoristila tamno plavi lak, nacrtala konture cvetova crnom akrilnom bojom i samo dodala detalje na rubovima latica svetlo plavom akrilnom bojom...i top coat i gotovo. Za to mi je trebalo sat vremena, za 10 noktica :-)

      U svakom slucaju za obe je potrebno malo vise vremena i strpljenja ako bas hoces da budu jako dobre :-)

    2. moram vikat jer sam totalno ljubomorna jer ja ovo na svojima ne znam napravit :D

  5. Good evening,

    love the colour and the roses:-)


  6. This is stunningly beautiful!! You are the master of flowers! I could image this pattern on the bottom of a pool :)

    1. Thank you, Jezzica! :-) Now you made me wish to have a swimming pool like this! :-)

  7. That's so perfect.... :-) ...just loved it... :-)

  8. Hi,
    Congratulations, your reproduction is a thousand times better than your model!

    1. Thank you, Catherine :-) I'm really happy how it came out, but I also love the original! :-)

  9. Replies
    1. E, ove su prva liga, bas su mi se dopale, nisam mogla da im odolim! :-)


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