Questa è una delle cose che mi piace fare - disegnare sulle unghie! Vi presento le mie creazioni...
Ovo je jedna od stvari koje volim da radim - oslikavanje noktiju! Predstavljam vam moje kreacije...
This is one of the things I enjoy doing - nail painting! I present to you my creations...

14 July, 2013

Mont Bleu mini nail files

Months ago I found out Mont Bleu internet site and I liked their nail files, but that's how the story finished.... 
Then I read some posts written by bloggers who already have Mont Bleu nail files and I decided to buy some of them, two for me and two as a present. 

I didn't have any problems ordering and paying (Pay Pal works great...) and my order arrived quickly and well packed :-) 

Mont Bleu mini nail files are high quality genuine crystal glass nail files made from Chech tempered glass. They have a lifetime guarrantee and you can wash them to keep them clean. These mini nail files are 9 cm long, they have a soft, black protective cover made of velvet and they can easily be kept in your bag, to fix your nails wherever you are, also during travelling.

All four mini nail files are beautiful... :-)
One of them is transparent and the others are colored: white-light blue, white-light pink and white-grey. 

They are all decorated with Swarovski crystals in different colours and different sizes. The crystals are placed only on front side and stay firmly on their place :-) 

You can use the file on both sides, the grit is fine and it gives a smoother result :-)

So I tried one of my mini nail files and I am completely satisfied with it! 
Highly recommended! :-)


  1. They sure are very pretty...
    I have read a lot of positive reviews on these too - and would love to try them. But on the other hand, I'm so, so pleased with my Leighton Denny file :)

    1. Yes, I can understand you when you say that you're so pleased with your Leighton Denny file, it's difficult to stop using something that works for you :-) I used a Kiko glass file, but now I found Mont Bleu files and they seem perfect! :-)

  2. lijepe su raspice prozirna mi je najbolja a i plava naravno :)

    1. Providnu i sivu sam zadrzala za sebe, a roze i plavu sam poklonila... :-) Imam utisak da cu ponovo narucivati od njih neke sitnice! :-)

  3. i ja imam ove, apsolutno su savršene...svakome bi ih preporučila.

    1. Slazem se u potpunosti, meni izgledaju perfektne i neverovatno dobro funkcionisu! :-)

  4. Replies
    1. Osim sto su stvarno slatke, stvarno su i dobre! :-)

  5. They look really nice! :)

  6. I like those mini-files.. they are cute + convenient. I always have one in my bag, it saved me so many times :)

    1. I agree with you! :-) They are very convenient AND beautiful! :-)

  7. Meni pa je najlepša ravno rozika! =)) Se mi zdi, da izstopa med ostalimi. A je to moja pilica ali si vzela takšno tudi zase? :)
    Pa še to - nisem pričakovala tvojih komentarjev oz. odgovorov. =)) Hihihi, torej v Pragi poznajo internet. Hecam se, hihi! ;P =))

    1. Jeste, tvoja je! :-) Super je cinjenica da ti se bas tvoja najvise svidja, znaci da sam pogodila tvoj ukus! :-) Istina je da su sve mnogo lepe i da je veliki problem izabrati samo jednu...! :-)
      Internet u hotelu u Pragu je bio uzasno slab, a i mi smo bili non-stop napolju, od 9h do 21h, bar 12 sati dnevno, tako da smo uvece mrtvi umorni padali u krevet, nismo imali ni volje ni vremena da koristimo internet... Ovde u Becu internet je mnogo bolji, ali ce situacija biti ista, bicemo u obilascima ceo dan i svaki dan... :-) Veceras koristim priliku da na brzinu napisem nekoliko odgovora... :-)


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