Questa è una delle cose che mi piace fare - disegnare sulle unghie! Vi presento le mie creazioni...
Ovo je jedna od stvari koje volim da radim - oslikavanje noktiju! Predstavljam vam moje kreacije...
This is one of the things I enjoy doing - nail painting! I present to you my creations...

16 March, 2013

Bottega Verde scented polish: Cocco Paradise

I present to you the scented nail polish Bottega Verde Cocco Paradise, with a beautiful coconut fragrance.
Photographs: outside in the sun, two layers of nail polish, without top coat.


  1. Pretty colour! Although scented polishes kind of baffle me. The idea of walking around and sniffing my fingers is weird. And I feel like it would be even weirder to tell someone "Smell my fingers".

    1. The truth is that I wanted only the purple one, but at the end I had to buy the whole set... This orange is "too much" for me, but I'll use it for my nail art creations... :-) And, yes, I was curious to see if it really has that nice fragrance... it has... But at the end it's not so important, as you said it would be weird to tell someone to smell your fingers.. :-)

  2. Lovely and vibrant color, really makes me happy! :)

    1. :-) Too vibrant for me :-) I'm surely not going to wear it alone, but I'll use it for my nail art creations for sure! :-)

  3. Replies
    1. :-) Well, I couldn't avoid it, I had to buy the whole set... You know me, it's not really "my" colour, I liked it much more when I "covered" it with flowers! :-)

  4. Ma nije too much bas je super boja, taman sad za proljece

    1. Pa, znas ti mene, narandzasto mi je "too much".. :-)

  5. I am totally not sure about the scent and I fear I will hate it terribly, but I love this color so much!!! I'm considering a nose-removal operation for it now! ;-)

    1. :-) You make me laugh loud! :-) Well, I can understand you, I know you love orange so much! :-)

  6. I love the coconut fragrance :). Nice orange!

    1. These are my first scented nail polishes, I didn't buy them just because of the fragrance, but I have to say that they DO smell nice! :-)

  7. meni se više sviđa verzija kad je boja pokrivena cvijećem ;)
    ali mirisu sigurno ne bih odoljela :D

    1. Ovaj narandzasti lakic je samo fotografisan, i to na brzinu, i odmah sam presla na "step 2" tj. dodavanje svega i svacega na njega! :-) Miris nije los! :-)

  8. Uau, kako lepa barva! =) Res je ravno pravšnja za poletje, ki prihaja! Hehehehe, pa še na nekaj sem pomislila - da bi si takšno barvo z veseljem nalakirala na nohte na nogah. In potem sem se spomnila na to, da ta lak povrhu vsega še diši. In potem sem spet pomislila na noge. In se začela smejati kot nora - "Deo za noge, če imate nalakiran ta lak, si nog sploh več ni treba umivati. Nezaželena smrdljivost garantirano odpravljena!!!" =)) =D NORO - kako sem pa jaz ZMEŠANA...! =))

    1. Hahaha... i ja i Claudio smo pukli od smeha..! Oprosteno ti je sto si malo "zmesana", to je i zbog stresa zbog nekog tamo datuma koji se polako priblizava, a verovatno i od mirisa tvojih lakova (ovaj moj lak sa tim nema nikakve veze, ne deluje bas toliko na daljinu...!) :-)


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